
Spotify playlist search
Spotify playlist search

Meanwhile, check out a few of our favorite artist-curated mixtapes on Spotify below.Ĭourtney Barnett fans are in for a real treat should they decide to pay her artist page a visit. Try checking this out for yourself, and don’t forget to actually buy merchandise and music from the artists you love in addition to supporting them on social media and streaming platforms, because that’s where it really counts. If you’ve ever been curious as to what your favorite artist is listening to, try checking their Spotify artist page and scrolling to the very bottom, where you may find a section called “Artist Playlists.” Oftentimes, this space is occupied by nothing more than an artist’s discography in playlist format, but, if you’re lucky, you may find a playlist curated by the actual artist featuring their own favorite songs and artists. You may not know that artist accounts are able to make playlists, too, and many musicians take full advantage of this ability. There are plenty of hidden gems, from playlists and compilations to live albums and demos, tucked away in unexpected places. This is all to say the streaming platform is a mysterious place. The interface isn’t always logical, and, if you’re not searching for a specific album or artist, navigating the mobile app can feel akin to rummaging through the lost-and-found box at your gym. If you use Spotify for a music discovery vehicle, the platform can feel quite overwhelming.

Spotify playlist search